Francis CUNY

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Speaking of Francis, talk about Joss ... I think that telling one is telling the other.
Obviously the figures differ, but apart from that, they are so similar.
JOSS is a playful little guy, hair tousled, well-rounded bouncing with apparent carelessness on life events.
Its strength lies in the joy of life and optimism that allow him to approach people and situations on the right side.
JOSS is for me all at once Jacques Tati and Charlie Chaplin. An entertainer and a societal disruptive side. He defends, is freedom in all its forms.


Joss is the brainchild of my girls to know that they imagined leprechaun in stories we told before falling asleep. I imagined before on paper.
Joss then each has its own story. The Joss with her child and broom horse head evokes the desire to travel, the head of the 2 characters pointing to the sky shows that they are ready to take off and brush the horse's head evokes course this entry imagination.

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